Sunday, April 26, 2015

In A HeartBeat ( Summary&prediction) Blog#5

In my book "In a Heartbeat" we meet 16 year old Eagan who recently died and donated her organs including her heart. We also meet a 14 year old girl, Amelia, who is about to receive a new heart, Eagan heart. Eagan love to play basketball and also loves to collect batteries on the other hand Amelia loves to draw and hates batteries commercials but everything changes when Amelia receives her new heart. She feels different. This books take place in a small town in Arizona and takes time inn the present.

So far in my book I have met the main characters which is Eagan, the heart donor, and Amelia, the patient who receives Eagan's heart. One prediction that I think that would happen is that  Amelia would start to feel different and would want to find who the donor is. I know this because she is curious. In  the book she says "I would always ask my mother why the sky was always blue or Where do we go when we die?" This shows how she wanted to know things and soon when she received her new heart she would ask some questions.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Road Rash (Summary&theme)BLOG#4

In my book that I am ready "Road Rash", we met a 17-year-old drummer Zach. Zach has been kicked out of his band for a new drummer that doesn't play as well has him but is rich. He then joins a new band "Bad Habits". Everything is going well with the new band but there are some conflicts going on.  Zach goes out with Kyle's sister, Kimberly, which he doesn't like and doesn't let her go to any of Zach's concerts. Then there's jealousy. Kimberly gets jealous when all the girl are all up on the band and especially her boyfriend. Takes time in the present and takes place.

I think that the theme of my book is to never give up on your dreams, If a door closes another one opens. I think that's the theme because though-out the book Zach finds a way to still play drums. HE works so hard for his new band to accept him and not like his pervious band. I know this because on the day that he got accepted to the band. He had every gig already planed out. For example on the text it says," After school I fired up my computer sand made my roughed out schedule look good, with different colors showing rehearsals times and gig times and writing sessions." This shows how Zach didn't want to throw away the opportunity with his new band. He had to try his best to not let this door close like the other one.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Native American Culture

In the article "Would We be Killed", Native Americans were marginalized because of their culture. I know this because in the text it sates, " It was not Pratt’s plan to simply educate these children and teach them English. He also planned to “civilize” them—to strip them of their traditions and ways of life. Pratt believed that the children needed to completely abandon their “Indian-ness” in order to succeed in America." This proves how Pratt wanted to get rid of Native Americans because of their culture. Another example is how he changed them to be more "civilized". For example in the text it says, "Along with his new name came a new look. His long hair was cut short. His leggings and moccasins were taken away, replaced by an itchy wool uniform and black leather boots that squeaked with every step." This shows how Pratt was changing the Native American Culture to be more "civilize".

In the articles "Would We be Killed?" and "Life on the Rez" both main characters have the almost the same experience. In "Would we be killed?" Luther Stand Bear (Ota Kte) has been sent to a school where they want to get rid and brainwash their culture. IN " Life on the Rez" she is Native American but she doesn't dress like how the old Indians used to dress back when Luther was a child. Their life before the change happens they both were not that similar but once they moved that’s when all the similar things happen. For example Rez is moving to college and their isn't that much Americans Indians their so she has to adapt on living their and Luther has to move to a new school too. On the other hand at Luther school they want to change his culture and make them more "civilize" and in Rez school she isn't brainwash.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Road Rash ( Summary&character traits) Blog#3

In my book "Road Rash," we meet a seveen-teen-year-old-drummer, Zach.  Zach lives in a small town and takes place in the present. Zach is getting ready for his summer tour with his band members: Kyle the best friend,  Justin the guitar player, and Toby the lead singer. Their band is called "Sock Monkeys". While preforming, a well known band called the "Bad Habit", ask Zach to be their new drummer but, said he would think about it. When having arguments about the band, Zach was dumped by this band member Kyle. Later accepts "Bad Habit" request in having him in their band. What will happen to Zach's old band "Sock Monkeys"?

In my book "Road Rash",we have met a lot of characters. For example Zach, his family, his band members, and his small group of friends but, one character that was really interesting was one of Zach ego band member, Toby. The lead singer. I think that Toby is an ego and helpless group member of the band. In the book their is a scene where the band is late. Zach arrives with the instruments but, doesn't see any of the band members around to help him with carrying the instruments up so, he does it by himself. Then he sees Toby about to walk right by him. In the book it says, "Hey, Zach. Elevator's out mate. And kept on walking, an around each girl . He turned to the hot little blonde on his right and said something into her ear. " This is important because it shows how helpless he is to the band by not helping Zach with carrying the instruments.